Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dean Weingarten: I am Pulling for George Zimmerman

I am Pulling for George Zimmerman


But those who push racial animosity do not give up.  His life will never be the same again.   Under the intense pressure of the personal attacks, death threats, and media scrutiny, his marriage crumbles.   It happens.   It has happened to a great many.   As part of that process, his wife plays the "domestic violence" card that has become ubiquitous in divorce proceedings.   But George is not a quitter.   He does not accept the false charges.   His wife recants.  The charges are dropped.  George prevails.

George finds solace in the arms of a physically attractive woman.   She tries to shop her attachment to the old media, who are not willing to pay enough.  George discovers that physical attractiveness does not guarantee a golden character.   George makes a wise decision to break off the relationship.   The woman  tries to play the "domestic violence" card again.  George has learned, and is wiser.  He calls the police himself.   Later, the girlfriend recants in a notarized statement to George's lawyer.   The charges are dropped and George gets his guns back.   George prevails again.

He may well need his guns.   Due to the old media assault, a third of the country think that George is a crazed killer.  The New Black Panthers who posted a reward for George, dead or alive, have never been prosecuted.  Maybe that has something to do with a Department of Justice, run by Eric Holder...

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