Monday, May 31, 2010

MSM Trots Out Usual ‘Peace Activists’ Meme

From Big Journalism: MSM Trots Out Usual ‘Peace Activists’ Meme To Characterize Today’s IDF-Palestinian Clash.

The Old Media is already misreporting the bloody incident off the Gaza coast between a flotilla of Muslim “peace activists” and the Israeli Defense Force. They are, of course, making Israel out to be the bad guys and while it is regrettable that anyone had to get killed in this incident, the fault lies with the armed “peace activists,” not Israel.

That’s right, these are supposed to be peace activists, yet they had armed themselves with bats, metal bars, and slingshots with marbles as projectiles and later firearms that they had hidden on their craft. Why isn’t anyone in the Old Media asking why peace activists are arming themselves?

In fact, the first Israeli troops that boarded the flotilla were only using non-lethal weapons — paintball guns — but this did not stop the Muslims from assaulting the troops with the metal bars, bats and slingshots. The troops did have handguns, but it is reported that as they boarded they were yelling to each other “don’t shoot, don’t shoot.” It is clear that they intended to turn the boats around with as minimal force as possible in order to ensure world opinion that Israel wants to avoid bloodshed when she can.

The Muslims had other ideas as they swarmed the first troops giving vicious physical blows. One soldier was thrown from the top deck 30 feet to a lower deck causing severe injuries.

After being physically attacked for some minutes the troops were finally given the go-ahead to use live fire. Firing at the legs of their assailants so as not to kill, the troops opened fire. It was then that the so-called “peace activists” broke out their own firearms and began shooting back and the melee became general.

Some peace activists, eh?

In fact, they aren’t “peace activists” at all. One of the groups involved in this flotilla of boats bringing supplies to Hamas is the Turkey-based IHH (Insani Yardim Vakfi, IHH, “humanitarian relief fund”).

According to the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center website, the IHH has been known to provide logistical support and funding to global jihad networks and is closely linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas’ parent movement. Because of its funding support of jihad and Hamas, Israel outlawed IHH in 2008.

And these are the people involved in this flotilla of boats attempting to run the blockade that Israel has put around Gaza to prevent money and weapons from getting to the Palestinian Authority and into the hands of the terror group Hamas.

But immediately we get headlines around the world that put the onus on the Israelis. Let’s look at some of the immediately accusatory headlines, shall we?

* Gaza ship attack analysis: Israel’s bad timing – UK Telegraph
* Sweden: Israeli raid ‘completely unacceptable’ – The Swedish Wire
* Israel is lost at sea – Financial Times
* The Israeli Attack – Joe Klein, Time Mag.
* UN Council Calls Emergency Meeting on Israel Clash – Bloomberg Businessweek
* White House ‘Working to Understand’ Israeli Attack – ABC News
* Israeli commandos storm aid flotilla, killing 9 and sparking protests – Associated Press
* And from the left-wing blather source, Huffington Post, we get this little gem: Israel Attacks Gaza Freedom Flotilla.

Notice how it’s all Israel’s fault? It isn’t the falt of armed “peace activists”? It isn’t the fault of terror supporters trying to break a blockade?

While it was regrettable that anyone had to get killed, one wonders why “peace activists” were so heavily armed, were so immediately violent, and have supported terrorism in the past? Worse, why is the Old Media placing all the blame on Israel? It’s all of a piece with the immediate condemnation that Israel receives no matter what she does.

See the original for links to videos and headlines.

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