Sunday, June 07, 2009

E pluribus unum

In Dennis Prager's video, he sets forth what he considers the American Trinity of values that set us apart from everywhere else in the world.  One of these is E Pluribus Unum -- "Out of many, one".  This is the value which states that, ideally, we don't care where you're from or what your ancestry is, you can become one of us.

Ilya Somin reflects on this value in a post just written today:

Less often appreciated are the ways in which life for immigrants in America is much better than in most other affluent liberal democracies. Although the US is not free of racism and nativist xenophobia, on the whole immigrants are much better accepted by natives than in almost all of the many other countries I have seen. We take it for granted that a person born in Russia or China or India can become as much a "real American" as the descendants of the Founding Fathers. Yet such ready acceptance is far less common elsewhere. In trips abroad, I have seen Russian immigrant communities in several countries, including France, Germany, and Israel, and spoken extensively with relatives and other Russians living there. In each case, they are less assimilated, worse off economically, and have much more tense relations with native-born citizens than the Russians who have come to the US over the last several decades.

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