Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin Points

Beldar: Non-scandal involving Gov. Palin: Even though he's an admitted child-abuser who Tasered his own step-son and used a deadly weapon to break the law, Trooper Wooten still has a job.
Little Green Footballs: Talk about a tin ear; for a campaign that already has a well-deserved reputation for being elitist and arrogant, to attack Palin for being a small-town mayor is blazingly dumb.
Patterico's Pontifications II: The fact is that neither candidate picked a VP on the test that Bush established for himself — is my selection ready to step in as President on our first day in office together if the need arose?

What about Palin? To whom does she appeal that warranted her pick?

She’s a social conservative so she appeals to the GOP base more than most of the rest of the VP candidates. She’s also a reform conservative — she challenged the corrupt GOP machine in Alaska and took out the sitting GOP governor in a primary. In that fashion she fits the McCain mold as a reformer, thereby appealing to independents.

But, more than anything, she’s an arrow aimed at women voters who to one degree or another still feel marginalized by the Obama campaign’s handling of the Hillary-factor.

Patterico's Pontifications I: DRJ: Justin Levine already posted on the possibility that McCain may pick Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his VP. I’m starting this thread so you will have a place to comment.

I like this. I hope it’s true.


UPDATE BY PATTERICO: I think this is a home run.

Power Line: I'm very disappointed that John McCain would put someone as inexperienced and lacking in foreign policy and national security background as Sarah Palin a heartbeat away from the presidency.

Power Line: Paul and I have already voiced our concerns about John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin for Vice-President. Now it's time to look at the upside. In fact, there is a lot to like about Palin. To begin with, her nomination provoked a typically mean-spirited reaction from the Obama campaign...

Prarie Pundit: OK. I am surprised. I thought she was an attractive candidate, but she has been out of the buzz for over a month. I think it really shows how determined McCain is to go after the Hillary vote that is still angry with Obama and his campaign. I have no idea how effective she will be on the campaign trail or dealing with Biden in a debate. I am not sure what state she will bring into McCain's column. Romney would have solidified Florida and given McCain a chance in Michigan.

The Obama campaign has reacted in a very petty way by ignoring her more recent accomplishments and characterizing her as a mayor of a small town in Alaska with no experience. This is a big mistake and it is reminiscent of how they have been alienating women voters this year. It also overlooks the fact that she has had more executive experience than anyone on the Democrat ticket.

Clayton Cramer: James Lindgren over at Volokh Conspiracy points out that at a Clinton supporter website, there is a vast swarm of enthusiasm for Palin. I suspect that there are Democratic women who are going to vote for McCain/Palin just because there's a woman on the ticket. That's a terrible reason--just like the very large number of Democrats who are going to vote for Obama/Biden just because's there a black person on the ticket.


I wish that I could say that the McCain/Palin ticket is an extraordinarily strong one. It really isn't. But once again, the Democratic Party's fixation with leftist anti-Americanism and tokenism has caused them to pick an embarrassingly weak person for the top of the ticket. Even Hillary Clinton would have been a stronger choice than Obama--and that's quite a statement from someone who find Clinton to be destestable.

Ronald Bailey (Reason Magazine): Just a quick round up of what I could find about Gov. Sarah Palin's take on various scitech issues.

Little Green Footballs: ...I was disturbed to learn of Sarah Palin’s apparent support for creationism. However, as I posted in a comment earlier, she does not appear to be the fanatical type who wants to force or sneak the teaching of creationism into public school science classrooms.


Looks like Palin made an off-the-cuff statement during a debate on a hot topic, didn’t really expect the criticism she’d get, and then softened her position considerably in a follow-up interview. But to quote just the first part of her statements on creationism and ignore the second is misleading; because in the clarification she’s describing a position that doesn’t cause me (a staunch anti-creationist) any discomfort.

Tammy Bruce: As an authentic feminist and independent conservative I am thrilled with McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin for Vice-President.

Hugh Hewitt: To get a sense of the huge enthusiasm among conservatives for the Sarah Palin pick, scroll down the postings at which aggregates the most important center-right voices.

Kim Priestap (Wizbang): Stefanie Pomponi Butler at MOMocrats, a Daily Kos site for Leftist moms, refuses to consider Sarah Palin a legitimate candidate because she's a conservative, pro-life woman who didn't get to where she is on her husband's coattails.

Jim Lindgrin (Volokh Conspiracy): You would not believe how the Sarah Palin pick is playing out at the Hillary Clinton Forum


These are the only Clinton Forum comments I've read so far — no cherry-picking. Incredible!

UPDATE: In the comments below, someone is so stunned by this outpouring that he thinks the Clinton Forum is a Republican site. It's a real site for die-hard Clinton supporters. I've now read posts going back to March (the forum started in February).

If the McCain Campaign had such brilliant and energetic grassroots supporters that they could plant 300,000 pro-Hillary comments on one website starting in February, selling Hillary merchandize, and raising money for Hillary -- all the while knowing that Hillary would lose nonetheless, I would be very impressed (and more than a bit frightened). Can the McCain campaign even get 300,000 comments on their OWN campaign website, let alone a fake one?

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