Thursday, December 23, 2004

The most important election of the century

Last month's election for President may well have been the second most important election of the century. The real biggie is going to be the election in Iraq, at the end of January.

If Iraqi voters choose a government that will perpetuate their right to continue to freely choose their own government, that will represent a radical change and something unique in the history of the entire Arab world. Its repercussions on surrounding Middle East countries could be momentous in the years and generations ahead. On the other hand, depending on who is elected, this could turn out like the first elections held in some African countries after they achieved their independence in the 1960s: "One man, one vote – one time." Too often, the winner of that first election made sure that no one else could ever be elected to replace him.

Yes, the telling point is not so much the results of the first election, but the results of the second one.

Nevertheless, while we can't guarantee success, neither are we assured of failure. The terrorists who are doing their best to blow up soldiers and Iraqi citizens understand that. If democracy works in Iraq, the suffocating feeling they've been feeling will turn into full-blown hypoxia.

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