Saturday, March 06, 2010

Obama's Birth Certificate

Jay Tea comments at length at his blog.

At the Tea Party Convention this weekend, professional gadfly Andrew Breitbart got into it with some folks from World Net Daily about the "birther" issue. For those who've been living under a rock for the past two years, that's the term for those people who -- to put it charitably -- have unresolved doubts as to whether or not President Obama was actually born in Hawaii and is therefore Constitutionally eligible to serve as president.

Breitbart's main argument seems to be that it is a "loser" argument. And he's right.
But let's look at the "birthers" from a slightly more strategic level.

First up, what are they achieving now? Well, for one, they're giving Obama's supporters a ton of cover. While they're chasing this mythical "proof," they're NOT looking at what he's doing right now. By obsessing in what may or may not have happened on August of 1961 in Hawaii, or Kenya, or Indonesia, or Iceland, they're not paying attention to what's going on in DC today.

For another, they -- let's face it -- come across as silly. And that lets Obama's backers tar all of his detractors with a very broad brush, and distract from things that really matter.

For one more, I have to ask: what is their long-term goal? Let's play this out. Suppose they get proof that the Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth is faked, and they get proof Obama was born in Kenya. Then what?

Well, it's way, way too late to overturn the election. Obama was certified as the winner, and his administration has been running things for for over a year. McCain and Palin admitted defeat and have moved on.

Congratulations, birthers. You've just given us President Joe Biden. Smooth move, assholes.

It's a losing issue, and it only gives ammunition to Obama's supporters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whether Obama is a citizen or not is now irrelevant. He was elected by the electors and they have the right to choose whomever they want. If he were found to be ineligible, then the Senate would need to impeach him as a fraud to remove him if they so chose. Further everything he has done up until impeachment would be legal. Right or wrong he is the elected President. Most probably he was born in Washington or Vancouver. That's the only way his mum could have been in Washington state 2 weeks after his birth.